Sunday, September 25, 2011

what a wonderful birthday it was!!

Yesterday was my....... are you ready for this?..... 32 birthday! *gasp*. haha. No honestly I'm not one of those who freaked when I turned 30. I was actually looking forward to my thirties. And now that I'm IN my thirties, I can say, I'm loving it. Yesterday was one of the best birthdays I have had in ages and I wanted to thank everyone who went out of their way to make me feel loved & celebrate with me. I sorta felt like a kid again with all the party stuff & gifts & going out to "play" with my family (mom & dad too, don't worry mom I'll settle for second place.... you just got lucky this time... don't let it get to your head lol).  Thank you to my awesome friend/former coworker Desiree who took me out for some girl time & excellent gourmet chocolate & coffee, to Lacey for everything you have done for me and made for me and all the birthday attention you have given me since I was 13 years old.... to my in laws for the wonderful gifts & dinners out last week, to my husband and daughter who surprised me with many gifts so sweetly wrapped in homemade paper all decorated by hand, can't wait to make myself an espresso tomorrow morning! (loved it! lol) and another special thanks to my husband who cleaned the ENTIRE house and did all the laundry and dishes! (sorry ladies he doesn't have a brother)..... to my grandparents and grandmother in law for the spending cash *smile*, to my mom and dad for coming down to visit us for a couple of days & take me out to play & eat & for the gifts & the home cooked meal! (I love my mommys cooking) and to the couple hundred friends and family and customers & former co workers who took the time to email me or snail mail me a card or leave me a message on facebook.... THANK YOU!!!! I felt like a birthday girl!! :) If I missed anyone in this blog I'm sorry! lol

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