June 23rd was Jimmer Jam at the Glens Falls Civic Center. Jimmer fans (including myself and my baby girl) gathered together to watch Jimmer be drafted to the NBA. Jimmer is from Glens Falls, and attended the same elementary school my daughter did. She's going through a little bit of Jimmermania right now, along with many others lol. My daughter wound up for a brief second on Fox23News saying Jimmers name, and was followed by an array of other cute critters who were also happy to be there. In the photos the civic center appears to be empty but it wasn't. We were all on the side I was shooting from. lol. Hence the empty seats in the background. I got us at about halfcourt at the bottom. Very good view. And I got some shots of super cute kids! Enjoy!
and as always.. be sure to click "older posts" at the bottom of my blog to see more!